How to adopt a tansy from the parasites

Worm invasion is considered a common disease. For the fight with hostile organisms applied effective drugs and medicinal plants. One of the popular folk remedies, this is tansy from parasites. How to receive, than it is useful and to whom it is contraindicated to plants, describe in this article.


Inflorescences are the so-called wild ash have unique properties, help to get rid of Giardia, roundworms, and Ascaris. This kind of plants is used in many countries as the official anthelmintic natural potion. To consume is to be in a special mode, follow the length of therapy, and cook it exactly according to the recipe. Grass is not considered completely safe, so before taking consult with your doctor.

Useful properties

Tansy negatively acts on the parasites, thanks to its special composition. Contains mono-Turpin, which is able to cause paralysis of the muscles of the dangerous worm. This ingredient in small doses, is safe for humans, and even allowed to add to foods, which make them astringent taste. The availability of the bitterness provides an unfavorable environment for housing and breeding of deworming in the digestive tract.

Tansy consists of the following useful components:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • the organic compounds.

In addition, the plant helps remove from the body of impurities and toxins, accumulated in the process of life parasites. In addition, it improves the activity of the heart and blood vessels, quickly regenerates and nourishes damaged tissue. As a result, accelerates the recovery of the patient and fixes his overall health.

Function exposure

Tansy is on the list of plant cultures, which have a bitter taste. In practice, it has been shown that this substance is a good antagonist of harmful worms that are parasitic in the digestive system.

Helminths live and actively multiply in the environment saturated with large amounts of sugar. Availability bitterness into the surrounding space negatively affects their growth and development.

The impact of tansy for worm infestations

The impact of tansy in worm infestation does not end there. In addition to toxicity effects, promotes the excretion of still-living parasites from the body. The plant will gradually accumulate in the large intestine, on its walls. And during the emptying of the helminths leaves the human body along with the fecal masses.

Safe intake of wild ash

Before you resort to this method of how to get rid of the alien dangerous worm, it is necessary to learn the rules of the use of this plant. To combat parasites, to use the flowers and seeds, as well as the powder from the powdered dry grass. Allowed the use of tansy from the worms in the form of infusion, decoction of and alcohol tinctures.

Treatment drink can not drink for a long time, because it contains the substance thujone, which in large dosages can cause hallucinations, blurred consciousness, and psychological disorders.

Home income folk drugs twice a year, when the length of the course not more than a week. After consuming the resources should be taken a laxative drug, which is essential for cleaning the digestive tract from the dead parasites.

Where to find

Longtime tansy part of the family Astrov. It grows in the temperate climatic zones. It can be found almost everywhere. Yellow inflorescences found at the edges, in the meadow steppe, not far from water, in open sunny fields. The plant blooms in July–August and the fruits ripen in September. Exactly in the self-collected grass is maintained to the highest concentration of beneficial substances.

The main thing is to carry out the collection in clean areas, far from roads and industrial areas.

Free Rowan you can find and buy in the pharmacy. The price for it ranges from 50 to 90 czk. In addition, occur capsules or pills from the dried herbs, intended for the destruction and disposal of hazardous pests from the body.

How to harvest

If you are building a plant yourself, then dry it need to be outdoors, avoid exposure to sunlight or in a well ventilated area. Regularly stir the mixture.

Dried flower should be stored in paper bags or cotton bags.

For anti-worm recipes used wild ash, obtained not more than two years ago. The old grass already have all the beneficial properties.

Dried inflorescences can grind in a coffee grinder, for a comfortable and correct use. The location of the raw materials must be dry. Only upon fulfilment of all the tips on collection and collection tansy its medical value to persist long.

Tea with tansy

Contraindications and side effects

Drink tansy from parasites is a must with great care, strictly adhering to the dosage in recipes. Because of the poisonous components treated in this way would be for the next few weeks. If you originated the request for an extension of course, it is better to take a break for a few days, then restore it. Special attention should be paid when treating children, people with chronic diseases and the elderly.

Contraindications to the use of tansy:

  • children's age;
  • cardio-vascular diseases;
  • breast-feeding;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of tumors of unspecified etiology;
  • allergies;
  • renal and hepatic failure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • hyperthermia;
  • SARS;
  • gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Adverse reactions include:

  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • the intestinal disorders;
  • painful sensations in the stomach.

Treat yourself whether the grass pregnant women and children

The woman in a position on such a way to combat parasites is contraindicated. The plant leads to an inflammatory process in the uterus and miscarriage. It supports the reduction of the muscles, which causes cramps in pregnant. Toxic substances from the tansy has a negative effect on the development and formation of the fetus. Therefore, this anthelmintic drug is prohibited to receive in bearing a toddler.

Tansy against the worms is given to the children only in the form of decoction of, so necessarily adhere to the dosage cooking. The product cannot be used to treat against parasites children under 3 years, because it causes a variety of disorders in a small body. Herbal infusion is recommended to drink a baby 3 times a day in the following proportions:

  • from 3 to 7 years in the 1st century ml;
  • from 7 to 10 years to 50 ml.;
  • from 10 to 14 years of age to 75 ml.;
  • over 14 years old per 100 ml.
The flowers of tansy

Engage self-treat the child can not be. Only a doctor should decide how to take of tansy, in what dosage and how many days.

Folk recipes

All parts of the plant are just as useful and applied in the medical purposes. Of tansy is prepared: decoction, alcohol tincture, tea or powder.

From the method of their preparation is directly dependent on the efficiency of anthelmintic agents.

Tansy in pure form

How to get rid of parasites this way need a powder from the dried color of grass. Its easy to make, store, and use.

To do this you need to:

  1. Grind in a mortar or coffee grinder the main components.
  2. Mix it in a special tightly closing capacity.

Ready cure is a must have for 0.5 hr. liter. before meals twice a day.

The optimal duration of treatment — 5 days.

It is important that during treatment the powder from tansy got in the airway of a person, because it can cause various diseases. To avoid such a moment can be pre-empty it into a glass of warm water or mix with honey. In the second case, there is bitterness in the mouth is not clearly expressed, and the eating of herbal remedy is much nicer.

Powder from the seeds

According to many experts in the field of phytotherapy, the powder from the seeds of the plant more effective than decoctions of cauliflower. Liquid detergents are digested in the stomach in large quantities into the intestine, where they are the main parasites, they will go in small quantities. Therefore, a positive result is achieved only during a long therapy.

Powder from the seeds of the tansy, when in the digestive tract, almost not processed by the stomach and in the unchanged form it shows in the large intestine. The dose for adults is 0.5 hr. liter. before meals twice a day. The course of treatment with this agent, it is much shorter. It may include 3 to 5 days, because the effect will come faster.

Infusion of flowers

Drink from parasites prepared from the 2 century la cauliflower cinquefoil goose, that filled with one liter of water. On a water bath, the mixture is brought to a boil, then infusion of about two hours.

Finished anthelmintic drug need to drink in the warm form of a to 50 ml. after meals 3 times a day. The course is one week.

Sick must necessarily observe the proportions during the cooking of herbal tea and observe the rules for the adoption of natural medicine. Store drink need in a cool place. Expiration — the day.

In the prophylactic use plenty of drinking an infusion once a week for several months.

Tansy and seeds of pumpkin

Tansy and seeds of pumpkin

The seeds of pumpkin have a strong antiparasitic action. Contain cucurbitina, which is a toxic substance. This contributes to the extinction of almost all species of worms, of small and large individuals, as it has toxic effects on your muscles, eggs and larvae. As a result, the parasites lose their ability to cling to the mucous membrane of the intestine, actively proliferate, and are excreted with fecal masses.

In the common use of tansy and pumpkin seeds characteristics of these components are perfectly complementary, which brings on de-worming destructive influence. For the preparation of the favorite people's tools need: 10 gg florets and in the year 70 of the peeled seeds. Components need to be grind to a powder state.

The mixture daily taken in 1 tbsp of the food. The patient is for the solution to his problem of getting three days of therapy.

"Russian trinity"

If it is combine several anthelmintic herbs, then the effect occurs already after a few days after the consumption of the resources. The Russian trio is known for many years as a powerful herbal remedy for parasites.

Its main components are:

  • the flowers of tansy — 3 gg;
  • wormwood — 1 year;
  • cloves — 1.5 year

The mixture does not require thermal processing, recovery costs, or to cook. Only it is necessary to divide into 3 parts:

  1. On the first day of the adoption of the to eat 1 dose 30 min before a meal.
  2. The second day of treatment — 2 doses.
  3. On the third day — 3 doses.

It is necessary to repeat the 3 day of treatment until the end of the week. For the prevention of you are taking a single dose of 1 times a week for 3 months.

For the consumption is allowed to dilute the finished composition a small amount of water.

Everything must be done according to the recipe and follow the rules for income.

Tincture of cinquefoil goose

For the preparation of tincture of cinquefoil goose need: 100 ml of vodka (you can use 70% ethyl alcohol) and 25 gg cauliflower. The flowers are need to pour the alcoholic beverage and leave for 10 days. The solution should be stirring regularly. The herbal drug is stored in a dark place at room temperature.

Take 30 drops of tincture over an hour after dinner at night for 6-7 days. Before consumption of the agent can be diluted with a glass of water.

In diseases of the digestive tract tincture in pure form, it is forbidden to drink, such as ethanol irritates the mucous membranes of the organs. To prevent the deterioration of health condition, you should first consult with your doctor.

Chicory, tansy and yarrow

Chicory, tansy and yarrow

A decoction of tansy, chicory and yarrow too well coping with helminthiasis. For effective fight with the parasites first, you need to prepare it properly:

  1. All the components of the charge in equal proportions for 1 hr. l., mix and filled with 0.5 ml of boiling water.
  2. The drug must simmer in a water bath on low heat for about 20 min

Long to cook this is not possible, so how long the heat treatment contributes to the loss of useful properties of the plants. The finished decoction taken three times a day for 100 ml. after meals for 7 days.

This drink helps to get rid of dangerous pests and to perform cleansing of the body from the accumulated toxins.