The output of parasites from the body in the home – is the most effective method

How to pull out the vermin at home, he knew that already in ancient times. Then treated without chemicals, pills, expensive medications. Assault the organism is going on unnoticed for the man himself. Pick up the eggs of worms can be anywhere – on the street, in a public place, transport. Vector helminthiasis are animals, sick people. The eggs of worms they have on underwear, clothes, towels, wool pets. Into the environment to receive with the feces.

Abdominal pain

Where localized parasites

In the human body can serve more than 250 species of worms. Most often it occurs:

  • pinworm;
  • Ascaris;
  • tapeworm;
  • whipworm;
  • Trichinella;
  • tapeworm;
  • Echinococcus;
  • Fluke;
  • crooked-crown duodenal ulcer;
  • Fasciola.

Assault of the organism's happening during a meal or in direct contact with the larvae in the human skin. A large part of the parasites localized in the intestines. But before that the larvae are found in various internal organs. When it gets into the body, the larvae leave the eggs, penetrate into the blood circulation. The transition phase may find themselves in the heart, the liver, biliary tract, uterus, bone marrow, blood vessels, eventually find themselves in the lungs. Be in this body, are developing rapidly, deplete the tissues, giving rise to adhesions, scarring, cysts. Symptoms of worms in this stage resemble the flu, pneumonia. Along with the sputum leaving the lungs during ingestion is going to re-infestation of the organism. This time, the larvae again find themselves in the intestines. Continue their development into Mature individuals.

However, the life cycle of worms, it's not always in such an arrangement. Adult worms can again penetrate to the heart, liver, lungs, bone marrow, other internal organs. Often in the presence of obvious signs of helminthiasis, make the correct diagnosis cannot be. So as to bring the parasites, and whether it is possible to do it at home?


Method of cleaning the body

Alive they get into the fecal matter, only some kinds of parasites. These include pinworms. The rest are shown already in the case of death. Explains all this is the fact that most parasites have hooks, suction cups and other accessories, through which firmly adhere to the the courage. Pinworms freely crawling in the intestines, so when the active activity of the peristalsis are gently pushed from the body along with the feces. So, body cleansing is aimed at the elimination of the parasites out. How to do it? Worms should originally to kill. However, not all so simple.

The dead parasites more dangerous than the living. They emit large amounts of toxins. Occurs, the poisoning of the body with a number of side effects. Often after the cleaning of the body when the inept use of folk recipes, the injured party will prove that it is within the walls of a hospital ward. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the purification of the body, adhere to the recommendations.

Accelerate excretion of parasites from the human body will such a method of cleansing, like an enema. With this purpose, prepare a special decoction. This method of cleaning – the intake of laxatives. With each bowel movement comes out a certain number of live, dead worms.

Efficient method of cleaning the body – the preparatory process

Assault the organism is happening subtly. Gradually is impaired activity of the internal organs, weakens the immune system, creates dysbiosis bowel syndrome and other uncomfortable conversion. Kill in one fell swoop of parasites can be, but it increases the risk of severe toxicity. And the tousled sheets of large dimensions in the intestine leads to obstruction. Before how to get rid of him at home from parasites, it is necessary to prepare the body.

Method of correction power supply. From diet to exclude sweet dishes, pastries, baking, sweets, coffee, fried, fatty foods. For 3 days at cleaning it is necessary to eat porridge, vegetable salads with vegetable oil, herbs, garlic. Drink plenty of fluids – at least 2 l a day. It can be herbal teas, black, green, mineral still water. The same diet should be present throughout the treatment. Proper nutrition will reduce a little the burden on the digestive organs, calm the nervous system, facilitate the process of defecation. In parallel with this training method it is necessary to take sorbents, reduce bloating, relieve bloating, remove toxins. As the sorbent can take the ordinary activated carbon. For adults 2 tablets twice a day. To give the kids after the 1 tablet.


Cleansing of the body healing enema

The method is unpleasant, but the effectiveness of cleaning from parasites high. Enema spends in a particular pattern – a day, with a break. The best time is before bedtime. The duration of treatment depends on the chosen means for cleaning the organism from parasites. It is important to overdo it. Method of cleaning the body using an enema against parasites causing side effects – constipation. After the treatment period it is necessary to direct all efforts to restore the microflora of the colon. Adherence to the diet is mentioned in the course of a few weeks after an active course of treatment.

The recipes for enema against parasites, themes, applications

  • Soda. It is considered one of the most effective remedies for cleansing the body. Lead parasites is possible in the course of the week. As the main tools they used food soda. For one procedure enema need 800 ml of water, 20 g of soda. In warm water dissolve the baking soda. There is a need to add 1 h. spoon of salt. Heat officinalis composition at a comfortable temperature – 42 degrees. In the intestines is recommended to withstand the stone for about 30 minutes. Enemas are doing through the day. The treatment lasts 10 days. When it is necessary to understand, soda parasites won't kill you. Removes waste substances from the body, toxins that arise in the process of life of the worms and the dead body. During treatment it is necessary to monitor your own feelings, the reactions of the body. If the pain occurs when the stool or in the breaks between the procedure, it is necessary to stop treatment.
  • Milk and garlic. This method of cleaning the body is considered to be the most effective in the presence of pinworms, Ascaris. Garlic-milk enema is a gentle. It is not irritating to the walls and without the affected colon. Garlic makes parasites leave the gut naturally and the milk helps them in that. This method of cleaning the body is recommended for children, pregnant women. Removed parasites from the colon need to perform 3 treatments. Every day in the evening. For the preparation it is necessary to use warm milk, a clove of fresh garlic. The last ground, pour in the milk. Wrap capacity of the towel, insist on 7 minutes. For adults to use 800 ml of milk at a time, a child older than 5 years – 500 ml, smaller – 250 ml.
  • Juice. To prepare the solution for the enema it is necessary to use water at room temperature, the acidic juice – lemon, cranberry, lingonberry, sea buckthorn. In 1.5 liters of water add 2 tablespoons of juice, 1 salt. The last relieves swelling, which arises as a result of holding an enema. Cleanses the body from parasites in this way 1 times. For the procedure to follow frequent urge to defecate, they leave the body of parasites. The last time there will be the most.

It is very important to stick to the scheme of treatment. If the body reacts to the procedure in either the child is too small, use a different method of cleaning.

Nettle infusion

Laxative to cleanse the body from parasites

It works similarly to the previous methods of cleaning the body. Laxatives stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, facilitates the passage of fecal masses.

  • Castor oil. To accept, must be no more than 3 consecutive days. Currently, castor oil can be bought in a pharmacy in the form of capsules. It is more convenient to use in this form. The stock should be from 2 to 6 hours of free time after taking the drugs. The easiest is to drink it in 2 hours in the night. In the morning the bowels will operate according to the specified schema. The body prepare for the cleanse. In addition, at night the body calms down, the parasites are separated from the walls, fall into the fecal mass in the bowel movement. For half an hour with an adult person needs to take 30 g of castor oil. Child to give 5-10. Washed off with acidified water, yogurt, yogurt. It is possible the entire dose drink at the same time. In particular, if the time of admission in the night. Instead of castor oil, you can drink at any time of vegetable – sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn, flaxseed. The dose for the 1-times – 30 ml.
  • The carrot juice. Use fresh. It is very important — is prepared immediately before consumption. For 1 times you should drink no less than 200 glasses of juice.
  • Kefir. Natural laxative for cleansing, that everything else, favorably affects the condition of the colon. Per day you can drink about 1 l. For the cleansing effect enough 2 jars.
  • Dill. Fennel seeds are considered one of the most effective substances in the fight with the parasites. For cleansing the body it is necessary to take the drug on a specific pattern. In the morning empty stomach to eat 1 tbsp of seeds. Wash the 2 cups of water. Children for cleaning it is necessary to grind to a powder either give the pm a tablespoon of dill. In the evening you should drink 15 ml of magnesia. Treatments are carried out 3 times. A week 1 times. The following 14 days you need to take dill without magnesia every fourth day.
  • Nettle infusion. 2 tablespoons of nettle pour 400 ml of boiled water. Served with a lid, insist on the day. To clean during the day.
  • The seed of flax. Pour 2 tablespoons of seeds with a glass of water. Leave for the night. In the morning drink on an empty stomach along with the seed.
  • Salad. Cooked beets mixed with carrots, prunes. Filled with vegetable oil, salt. You need to eat in the morning.
  • Apple juice. It is necessary to use the sour-sweet apples, preferably of the green variety. At once it is necessary to drink at least 200 ml is Prepared immediately before consumption.

People's laxatives cause addictive organism, they do not have side effects, which is very important. It is only necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism to avoid an allergic reaction.

How to rid the body of parasites

As the medical components of active herbs, seeds, vegetables, fruits. Every remedy for cleansing the prepared prescription, you are taking on a specific pattern. What to choose – the solution to the individual. All have a rapid effect, a positive result. In domestic conditions from parasites can be get rid of for a matter of days respecting all the rules of anti-worm therapy.

  • The pumpkin seeds. The rich composition of the seeds have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive system, improves immunity. Quickly restores the body after the activity of parasites. Among other things, in its composition is included in a folder that the worms act as poisons. Drug you can give a child with joy to undergo the treatment itself. Is not contraindicated the use of this method of cleansing the body from parasites pregnant. The seeds accept yourself or belong to the composition of other drugs. The easiest way to cleanse – in the morning eat fasting a handful of peeled seeds. As a laxative, after 30 minutes, take the carrot juice.
  • Walnut. Peeled nuts crushed. Topped with 4 tablespoons of the obtained composition of the glass of boiled water. On a small fire to last until boiling. Insist 30 minutes. Drink for cleansing during the day in smaller portions.
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Trinity. A known method for the effective cleaning of the body. In domestic conditions it is possible to achieve great results. In the composition of 50 grams of cloves, 100 g of cinquefoil goose, 30 g of wormwood. The secret of success of the mixture in the event of each of them. Together the plants allow to cleanse the body from parasites, to normalize their work. Tansy destroys adult insects, wormwood and cloves are struggling with the worms in the different stage of development, the eggs of parasites. Take the medication is to be according to a certain scheme. All components turns into a powder. The first day of the cleanse an empty stomach 1 h. a spoon. Wash off with plain water. Then you can remove the bitterness of honey, jam, juice. 2.3 day to drink in the same dose twice a day. In the following three times. The course of treatment is about a month. In the first time the body is purified from the parasites, then of toxins, regenerates. The length of the cleaning depends on the severity of helminthiasis.
  • Garlic. To derive parasites that substance is possible in different ways, methods. A few of them. Garlic minced, put on your heels, perpetuated the patch. She goes with him the whole day. The active ingredients of garlic penetrate through the skin, and is posted with the blood throughout the body. A very effective method when helminthiasis in its initial stage. When the larvae are still in the blood vessels. Garlic baked in the oven, put on a night to the area of the navel. With pm pour a few teeth of garlic a glass of boiled water. In the morning drink on an empty stomach.
  • Cognac. Buy quality drink, shaded alcohol for cleaning is not suitable. Treatment to spend the night. At this time, most of the parasites freely crawling over the intestines. Roughly 2 hours in the night it is necessary to drink a cup of green tea. Over 5 minutes – 100 g brandy. This alcoholic beverage on the basis of oak bark dulls the vigilance of the parasites. After 15 minutes, it is necessary to take 50 g of castor oil. Before it warms up to body temperature. When the occurrence of nausea, you can drink water with lemon juice or hold a slice in your mouth. In 10 minutes you can go back to sleep. The organism from parasites start to clean in the morning. The course of treatment is 3 days in a row.

The organism from parasites should be cleaned twice a year. Methods, ways, recipes to cleanse to choose according to their own discretion, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. It is very important. Each of them is recognized as the best in many years.