Pumpkin seeds — a natural remedy against parasites

Scientists say that the pumpkin has become one of the first plants used in food. Special popularity is enjoyed pumpkin seeds, which have a unique taste and delicate aroma. Over time, people focused their attention on the healing properties of pumpkin seeds. These oval and flat seeds contain many useful substances, and also have a strong parasitic effect. It is not surprising that treatment of the parasites is carried out with the help of these tasty seeds.

Pumpkin seeds

Health, caused by a rich composition

Pumpkin seeds – a pantry of vitamins and minerals, which makes the product particularly valuable as part of many dishes, so in the raw form. If to take into account the composition of the seeds in detail, we find that in them is contained everything you need for a fulfilling, and, most importantly, smooth body.

Medicinal ingredients:

  1. Vitamins: a, B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, B9, C, E, Because If a person is experiencing a lack of vitamins, it is the most destructive way that affects its health, the functionality of the organs and systems of the body, work performance. The protective properties of the organism decreases, and the man is constantly sick. This is the reason why it is very important to include in your diet "vitamin" products.
  2. Trace elements. These vital ingredients stimulate the function of internal organs and promote the status, health condition of the person on the right level.
  3. Amino acids, which are involved in the production of proteins.
  4. Cucurbitina. This element has a paralyzing effect on the worms. They are no longer able to connect to the mucous membrane of the intestine and move. The largest concentration of this substance is contained in the recording, which applies to sunflower seeds. This is the reason why pumpkin seeds should be consumed together with green foil.

Even from ancient times, people with respect to the seeds of the pumpkin and adding to foods and drugs. If you add to the menu of pumpkin seeds, very soon you will notice the following changes:

  1. Strengthens protective properties of the body.
  2. The normal condition of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Improves sexual function in representatives of both sexes.
  4. To normalize the metabolic functions of the body.
  5. Pumpkin
  6. The body comes to tone.
  7. It stabilizes the work of the digestive system.
  8. Increases the level of hemoglobin.
  9. Hair and nails are strengthened.
  10. Improves the regenerative capacity of the.

What worms are afraid of gourd seeds

On the basis of years of experience of people, can distinguish the species of parasite, facing this product:

  • ascaris;
  • pinworms;
  • ring helminths;
  • tape worms.

Not so long ago, it became clear that pumpkin seeds help in giardiasis, caused by lamblia, which are not worms. The product destroys microorganisms and prevents them from reproducing.

Overdose, and contraindications

Even the appropriate means, in excessive doses can cause irreparable damage. Pumpkin seeds are harmless, but that doesn't mean that it can be consumed without action. If you overdo it with this product, instead of obtaining the intended effect can harm the body.

Not recommended consumption of pumpkin seeds without the supervision of an expert, if the person:

  • overweight;
  • allergies to this product;
  • increased acidity;
  • kidney stones disease;
  • pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (bowel obstruction).
Recipes with pumpkin seeds

If you want to get the maximum benefit from the drinking gourd seeds, and not harm your body, you should not get carried away by this product. As regards the expulsion of the parasites, the seeds need to eat every day and in sufficient quantity. Before starting treatment, each person is necessary to make sure that it is not part of a group of contraindications. If you eat the seeds, regardless of the bans, may occur following side effects:

  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • tachycardia;
  • the increased activity of the kidneys and the liver.

Data symptoms manifest themselves very rarely. Nausea, vomiting, and tachycardia occur in triggered by an excess of the daily dosage. Therefore, even trying to get rid of the worms, it is important to monitor the amount of consumed seed, thereby to deterioration of your condition.

How to receive the seeds of the pumpkin from the parasites

How to get rid of parasites, should eat pumpkin seeds in any form. You can fry them, to dry, adding to tea or a favorite food, and it is possible to eat in raw form.

It is very important in the process of cleaning from parasites, not to overwhelm your body. Learn the exact dosage of the product, you just need to know the age of the patient and to get acquainted with the following list:

  • the daily dose for an adult – 0.3 kg of seed;
  • for children 10-15 years – 0.2 kg;
  • younger than 10 years — 0.1 kg;
  • three-four-year – 0.075 units

The experts of high qualification recommend eating sunflower seeds in raw form, with the film of the color green, which is located between the inner part of the bark and seed.

Recipes with pumpkin seeds

To nourish the body with vitamins and trace elements, is enough to eat meals with pumpkin seeds once every seven days. If it is necessary in the treatment, it is necessary to include this useful product is in the daily diet.

Spoiled or damaged seeds pick and blow. Because from the quality of the raw materials depends the result of the treatment.

Cure for Giardia:

Sunflower seeds

To prepare this remedy under the force of each person. Its pleasant taste, the efficiency, and the available ingredients – the best combination for medication.


adult – 0.3 kg of seeds; half a cup of honey; 50 ml of pure water.


The seeds thoroughly grind in a blender and stir to homogeneity with honey and water. Means eat on an empty stomach for a period of 60 minutes. Over 3 hours, take a laxative and empty your bowels.

Means of worms and Giardia;


adult – 0.3 kg of seeds; half cup of honey.


Fresh seeds clean, dry and grind in a blender. Med heat in a water bath and pour into it the powder of the seeds. Thoroughly mix the ingredients, into a more viscous suspension. On an empty stomach, eat the resulting means and after three hours take a laxative. How to strengthen the therapeutic effect, it is possible to do an enema with antiparazitární a decoction of herbs.

Vehicle with garlic

Ingredients: peeled the fingers of garlic – 5 pcs; pumpkin seeds – 0.3 kg for an adult; 2 articles of the cottage honey.


Seeds purify and fry in the oven or in a frying pan. Grind in a blender, in the education of small crumbs. Garlic skip through the press or grind with the help of a knife. To mix, add honey. Remove on 12 hours.

On an empty stomach to eat 1 tbsp. of the lodges. a day. After ingestion of this resource can not eat or drink. The only exceptions are mixed with antiparazitární action. Over three hours, drink a laxative and to empty the bowel. Then you can enjoy breakfast.

Vehicle with castor oil

Take 100pcs. seeds and decomposed into 4 parts (25 pcs). All four portions of the seeds must be slowly, carefully digested and swallow. Think it should be one after the other, gradually. Over an hour you need to drink 1 hour of the cottage. pure castor oil. Repeat daily, for 30 days.

Evaporation of useful elements from pumpkin seeds

  • 3 kg of seeds grind using a blender;
  • pour water, in a ratio of 1:2;
  • put on a water bath for 120 minutes;
  • sterile gauze folded in half and then strain the resulting substance;
  • remove from the surface of the water oil plaque-a film;
  • cool and use for the treatment.

You should drink the resulting composition for 30 minutes on an empty stomach. Over the two to three hours to drink a laxative, and cleanses the intestines.

The basics of maximum efficiency

Pumpkin seeds from parasites

The largest pharmaceutical companies in the world constantly working on the development of anti-parasitic means. Often drugs have a destructive effect on the body as a whole. This is due to the fact that in their composition contains chemicals, toxic and difficult synthetic fabrics. This is the reason why an increasing number of people prefer to be treated by folk remedies, especially pumpkin seeds. Because they are composed of only healthy and natural elements and therefore do not harm.

The "pumpkin" treatment yielded the maximum results, you should stick to the following rules:

  1. For two-three days before the start of treatment it is necessary to do the morning cleansing enema.
  2. In the evening, after drinking gourd seeds, make sure to drink a laxative remedy.
  3. After the treatment period to exclude fatty, fried, milk, sweets, flour products, bread and other pastries.
  4. Laxative you need to drink three hours after the ingestion of any "pumpkin" means. Thanks to this, the rapid cleansing of the intestine and the excretion of parasites. In the opposite case, the worms die and remain in the gut, induce a severe intoxication of the organism.

To get to 100% clean the intestines from worms, it is necessary to take therapeutic agent is not less than 30-60 days. At this time all the larvae hatch and die.